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bdev:filamentextruder_recyclebot [2022/10/26 20:41]
bdev:filamentextruder_recyclebot [2022/11/05 23:52] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Filament extruder recyclebot ====== ====== Filament extruder recyclebot ======
 +====== filabotmega.ino ======
 +#include <PID_v1.h> 
 +#include <Wire.h>
 +#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
 +#define motorInterfaceType 1
 +#define TEMPCONTROLA 10
 +//Define the aggressive and conservative Tuning Parameters
 +double aggKpA=150, aggKiA=0.5, aggKdA=0;
 +int thermoelectricval = 255;
 +int celsius;
 +int levelstreamon;
 +double settemp = 0;
 +double Setpoint, Input, Output, OutputA, OutputB, OutputC;
 +int tme = 250;
 +//Specify the links and initial tuning parameters
 +PID myPIDA(&Input, &OutputA, &Setpoint, aggKpA, aggKiA, aggKdA, DIRECT);
 +const int stepsPinA = 11;
 +const int directionPinA = 12;
 +const int enablePinA = 2;
 +const int stepsPinB = 3;
 +const int directionPinB = 4;
 +const int enablePinB = 5;
 +const int stepsPinC = 7;
 +const int directionPinC = 8;
 +const int enablePinC = 9;
 +const int gobuttonA = A0;
 +const int stopbuttonA = A1;
 +const int speedpotA = A2;
 +const int gobuttonB = A5;
 +const int stopbuttonB = A6;
 +const int speedpotB = A3;
 +const int gobuttonC = A7;
 +const int stopbuttonC = A10;
 +const int speedpotC = A4;
 +int directionA = 0;
 +int directionB = 0;
 +int directionC = 0;
 +int ton = 0;
 +int buttonastate = 0;
 +int buttonbstate = 0;
 +int buttoncstate = 0;
 +int afl = 0;
 +int bfl = 0;
 +String command;
 +long int currpos;
 +long int pos;
 +void setup() {
 +  // put your setup code here, to run once:
 +  Serial.begin(115200);
 +  pinMode(stepsPinA, OUTPUT);
 +  pinMode(directionPinA, OUTPUT);
 +  pinMode(enablePinA, OUTPUT);
 +  pinMode(stepsPinB, OUTPUT);
 +  pinMode(directionPinB, OUTPUT);
 +  pinMode(enablePinB, OUTPUT);
 +  pinMode(speedpotA, INPUT);
 +  pinMode(gobuttonA, INPUT);
 +  pinMode(stopbuttonA, INPUT);
 +  pinMode(speedpotB, INPUT);
 +  pinMode(gobuttonB, INPUT);
 +  pinMode(stopbuttonB, INPUT);
 +  pinMode(speedpotC, INPUT);
 +  pinMode(gobuttonC, INPUT);
 +  pinMode(stopbuttonC, INPUT);
 +  digitalWrite(enablePinA,LOW);
 +  digitalWrite(enablePinB,LOW);
 +  digitalWrite(directionPinA, LOW);
 +  digitalWrite(directionPinB, LOW);
 +  digitalWrite(directionPinC, LOW);
 +  currpos = 0;
 +void loop() {
 +   Input = read_temp("A");
 +   double gap = abs(Setpoint-Input); //distance away from setpoint
 +   myPIDA.SetTunings(aggKpA, aggKiA, aggKdA);
 +   myPIDA.Compute();
 +   analogWrite(TEMPCONTROLA,OutputA);
 +   int rawvalue = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PINA);
 +   int rawvalueA = rawvalue;
 +   float celsiusA = read_temp("A");
 +  Serial.print("");
 +  digitalWrite(stepsPinA, HIGH);
 +  digitalWrite(directionPinA, LOW);
 +  digitalWrite(enablePinA, HIGH);  
 +  digitalWrite(stepsPinB, LOW);
 +  digitalWrite(directionPinB, LOW);
 +  digitalWrite(enablePinB, LOW); 
 +  digitalWrite(stepsPinC, LOW);
 +  digitalWrite(directionPinC, HIGH);
 +  digitalWrite(enablePinC, LOW); 
 +  if (levelstreamon == 1) {
 +   Serial.print("A: ");
 +   Serial.print(rawvalueA);
 +   Serial.print(" ");
 +   Serial.println(celsiusA);
 +   Serial.print("Settemp: ");
 +   Serial.println(settemp);   
 +   delay(500);
 +  }
 + if (digitalRead(stopbuttonA) ==HIGH){
 +  if (bfl == 0){
 +   if (directionA==0){directionA = 1; digitalWrite(directionPinA, HIGH); }else{directionA=0; digitalWrite(directionPinA, LOW);}
 +    Serial.print(directionA);
 +    Serial.println(" direction changed");
 +    bfl = 1;
 +   }
 +  } else { bfl = 0; }
 + if (digitalRead(gobuttonA) == 1){
 +   Serial.println("moving A");
 +   runnerA();
 +  }
 + if (digitalRead(stopbuttonB) ==HIGH){
 +  if (bfl == 0){
 +   if (directionB==0){directionB = 1; digitalWrite(directionPinB, HIGH); }else{directionB=0; digitalWrite(directionPinB, LOW);}
 +    Serial.print(directionB);
 +    Serial.println(" direction changed");
 +    bfl = 1;
 +   }
 +  } else { bfl = 0; }
 + if (digitalRead(gobuttonB) == 1){
 +  Serial.println("moving B");
 +   runnerB();
 +  }
 + if (digitalRead(stopbuttonC) ==HIGH){
 +  if (bfl == 0){
 +   if (directionC==0){directionC = 1; digitalWrite(directionPinC, HIGH); }else{directionC=0; digitalWrite(directionPinC, LOW);}
 +    Serial.print(directionC);
 +    Serial.println(" direction changed");
 +    bfl = 1;
 +   }
 +  } else { bfl = 0; }
 + if (digitalRead(gobuttonC) == 1){
 +  Serial.println("moving C");
 +   runnerC();
 +  }
 +  */
 + if(Serial.available())
 + {
 +    char c =;
 +    if (c== '\n')
 +    {
 +      currpos = parseCommand(command, currpos);
 +      command = "";
 +    }
 +    else
 +    {
 +      command +=c;
 +    }
 + }
 + delay(30);
 +long int parseCommand(String com, long int currpos)
 +  //Serial.print("Your command: ");
 +  //Serial.println(com);
 +  if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("readpot")){
 +   readpotentionmetersanity();
 +  }
 +  else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("info")){
 +    Serial.println("Extruder spool speed controller");
 +  }
 +  else if (com.substring(0,7) == "settemp") {
 +    settemp = com.substring(8).toDouble();
 +    Setpoint = settemp;
 +    Serial.print("settemp: ");
 +    Serial.println(settemp);
 +  }
 +  else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("levelstreamoff")){
 +   levelstreamon = 0;
 +  } 
 +  else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("levelstreamon")){
 +   levelstreamon = 1;
 +  } 
 +  else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("readlevel")){
 +     int rawvalue = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PINA);
 +     float celsius = read_temp("A");
 +     Serial.print("A: ");
 +     Serial.println(celsius);
 +  }
 +  else {
 +   Serial.print("Did not recognize ");
 +   Serial.println(com);
 +  }
 +   return currpos;
 +int readpotentionmetersanity(){
 + int val = analogRead(speedpotA);
 + Serial.print("speed pinA: ");
 + Serial.println(val);
 + val = analogRead(speedpotB);
 + Serial.print("speed pinB: ");
 + Serial.println(val); 
 + val = analogRead(speedpotC);
 + Serial.print("speed pinC: ");
 + Serial.println(val); 
 +int runnerA(){
 +   int stpper = 1;
 +   int speed = analogRead(speedpotA);
 +   int stepdelay = map(speed, 0, 1023, 1, 2000);
 +   while(stpper > 0){
 +   speed = analogRead(speedpotA);
 +   stepdelay = map(speed, 0, 1023, 1, 2000);
 +   digitalWrite(stepsPinA,HIGH); // Output high
 +   delayMicroseconds(stepdelay); // Wait 1/2 a ms
 +   digitalWrite(stepsPinA,LOW); // Output high
 +   delayMicroseconds(stepdelay); // Wait 1/2 a ms
 +   if (digitalRead(stopbuttonA) ==HIGH){ break; }
 + }
 + return 0;
 +int runnerB(){
 +   int stpper = 1;
 +   int speed = analogRead(speedpotB);
 +   int stepdelay = map(speed, 0, 1023, 1, 2000);
 +   while(stpper > 0){
 +   speed = analogRead(speedpotB);
 +   stepdelay = map(speed, 0, 1023, 1, 2000);
 +   digitalWrite(stepsPinB,HIGH); // Output high
 +   delayMicroseconds(stepdelay); // Wait 1/2 a ms
 +   digitalWrite(stepsPinB,LOW); // Output high
 +   delayMicroseconds(stepdelay); // Wait 1/2 a ms
 +   if (digitalRead(stopbuttonB) ==HIGH){ break; }
 + }
 + return 0;
 +int runnerC(){
 +   int stpper = 1;
 +   int speed = analogRead(speedpotB);
 +   int stepdelay = map(speed, 0, 1023, 1, 2000);
 +   while(stpper > 0){
 +   speed = analogRead(speedpotC);
 +   stepdelay = map(speed, 0, 1023, 1, 2000);
 +   digitalWrite(stepsPinC,HIGH); // Output high
 +   delayMicroseconds(stepdelay); // Wait 1/2 a ms
 +   digitalWrite(stepsPinC,LOW); // Output high
 +   delayMicroseconds(stepdelay); // Wait 1/2 a ms
 +   if (digitalRead(stopbuttonC) ==HIGH){ break; }
 + }
 + return 0;
 +#define NUMTEMPS 20
 +short temptable[NUMTEMPS][2] = {
 +   {1, 841}, {54, 255},
 +   {107, 209},
 +   {160, 184},
 +   {213, 166},
 +   {266, 153},
 +   {319, 142},
 +   {372, 132},
 +   {425, 124},
 +   {478, 116},
 +   {531, 108},
 +   {584, 101},
 +   {637, 93},
 +   {690, 86},
 +   {743, 78},
 +   {796, 70},
 +   {849, 61},
 +   {902, 50},
 +   {955, 34},
 +   {1008, 3}
 +float read_temp(String sensor_type)
 +   int THERMISTOR_PIN = 0;
 +   if (sensor_type == "A"){
 +   }
 +   int rawtemp = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PIN);
 +   float current_celsius = 0;
 +   byte i;
 +   for (i=1; i<NUMTEMPS; i++)
 +   {
 +      if (temptable[i][0] > rawtemp)
 +      {
 +         float realtemp  = temptable[i-1][1] + (rawtemp - temptable[i-1][0]) * (temptable[i][1] - temptable[i-1][1]) / (temptable[i][0] - temptable[i-1][0]);
 +         if (realtemp > 255)
 +           realtemp = 255; 
 +           current_celsius = realtemp;
 +           break;
 +      }
 +   }
 +   // Overflow: We just clamp to 0 degrees celsius
 +   if (i == NUMTEMPS)
 +   current_celsius = 0;
 +   return current_celsius;
Line 18: Line 368:
 <code> <code>
-#include <AccelStepper.h> 
 #include <Wire.h> #include <Wire.h>
Line 27: Line 375:
 #define motorInterfaceType 1 #define motorInterfaceType 1
-AccelStepper stepper = AccelStepper(motorInterfaceType, stepPin, dirPin); 
-//const float stepsperul = 230; //resolution of 1ml disposable syringes 
-//const float stepsperul = 131.53; //resolution of 1ml disposable syringes 
-//const float stepsperul = 272.12; //resolution of 250ul glass syringe 
-int turnon = 4; 
 int enablePin = 9; int enablePin = 9;
 int estepsPin = 3; int estepsPin = 3;
Line 42: Line 380:
 int direction = 0; int direction = 0;
 int ton = 0; int ton = 0;
-int elimitPin = A1;  
-//int esteps = 1000; 
-//int esteprate = 500; 
-//int estepsincrement = 0; 
-int estepcount = 0; 
 int speedpot = A5; int speedpot = A5;
 int buttona = A4; int buttona = A4;
 int buttonb = A3; int buttonb = A3;
 int buttonastate = 0; int buttonastate = 0;
 int buttonbstate = 0; int buttonbstate = 0;
 +int afl = 0;
 +int bfl = 0;
-//float stepsperul = 23; //resolution of 1ml disposable syringes 
-const float stepsperul = 131.43; 
-int acc = 30; 
 String command; String command;
 long int currpos; long int currpos;
Line 69: Line 394:
 void setup() { void setup() {
   // put your setup code here, to run once:   // put your setup code here, to run once:
-  stepper.setMaxSpeed(1000*16); 
   Serial.begin(115200);   Serial.begin(115200);
-  pinMode(turnon, OUTPUT); 
-  digitalWrite(turnon, HIGH);  
   pinMode(enablePin, OUTPUT);   pinMode(enablePin, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(directionPin, OUTPUT);   pinMode(directionPin, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(estepsPin, OUTPUT);   pinMode(estepsPin, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(speedpot, INPUT);   pinMode(speedpot, INPUT);
   pinMode(buttona, INPUT);   pinMode(buttona, INPUT);
   pinMode(buttonb, INPUT);   pinMode(buttonb, INPUT);
   digitalWrite(enablePin,LOW);   digitalWrite(enablePin,LOW);
 +  digitalWrite(directionPin, LOW);
   currpos = 0;   currpos = 0;
-  stepper.setAcceleration(acc); 
 } }
 void loop() { void loop() {
   // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:   // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
- + buttonastate = digitalRead(buttona); 
- buttonastate = analogRead(buttona); + buttonbstate = digitalRead(buttonb);
- buttonbstate = analogRead(buttonb);+
  /*  /*
- Serial.print("buttona: "); + Serial.print("buttonastate "); 
- Serial.println(analogRead(buttona)); + Serial.println(buttonastate); 
- */  + Serial.print("buttonbstate"); 
- if (buttonbstate < 1020){ + Serial.println(buttonbstate); 
-  Serial.println("buttonbstate is low"); + delay(100); 
- } else { Serial.println("buttonbstate is high"); }+ */
- if (buttonastate < 1020){ + if (buttonbstate ==HIGH){ 
-  Serial.println("buttonastate is low"); +  if (bfl == 0){ 
- } else { Serial.println("buttonastate is high"); }+   if (direction==0){direction = 1; digitalWrite(directionPin, HIGH); }else{direction=0; digitalWrite(directionPin, LOW);} 
 +    Serial.print(direction); 
 +    Serial.println(" direction changed"); 
 +    bfl = 1; 
 +   } 
 +  } else { bfl = 0; } 
 + if (buttonastate == HIGH){ 
 +   runner(estepsPin, directionPin, speedpot, buttona);  
 +  }
- Serial.println(buttonbstate); 
- Serial.print("speedpot: "); 
- Serial.println(analogRead(speedpot)); 
- delay(100); 
- /* 
- if (digitalRead(buttona) == HIGH){ 
-  Serial.println("power set"); 
-  if (ton==0){ton = 1;}else{ton=0;} 
- } 
- if (digitalRead(buttonb) == HIGH){ 
-  Serial.println("direction set"); 
-  if (direction==0){direction = 1;}else{direction=0;} 
- } 
- */ 
  if(Serial.available())  if(Serial.available())
  {  {
Line 130: Line 439:
       command = "";       command = "";
     }     }
-    else +     
 +    else
     {     {
       command +=c;       command +=c;
Line 143: Line 453:
   //Serial.println(com);   //Serial.println(com);
-  //"G1E10F200"; +  if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("readpot")){ 
-  String part1 = com.substring(0,com.indexOf("e")); +   readpotentionmetersanity(speedpot);
-  if (part1.equalsIgnoreCase("g1")){ +
-    String part2 = com.substring(com.indexOf("e")+1,com.indexOf("s")); +
-    String part3 = com.substring(com.indexOf("s")+1,com.indexOf("a")); +
-    String part4 = com.substring(com.indexOf("a")+1); +
-    int vpos = part2.toInt(); +
-    pos = vpos * stepsperul;  +
-    int vfeed = part3.toInt(); +
-    int feed = vfeed * stepsperul; +
-    //int acc = part4.toInt(); +
-    //int feed = vfeed; +
-    int acc = feed/3; +
-    if ((pos-currpos) < 0) { +
-      feed = feed * -1; +
-    } +
-    moveacc((pos-currpos), feed, acc); +
-    currpos = pos;+
   }   }
-  else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("readpot")){+  if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("g")){
    readpotentionmetersanity(speedpot);    readpotentionmetersanity(speedpot);
-  } +   runner(estepsPin, directionPin, speedpot, buttona);
-  else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("m114")){ +
-   Serial.print("Step Position: "); +
-   Serial.print(pos); +
-   Serial.print(" volume Position: "); +
-   Serial.println((pos/stepsperul),3); +
-  }  +
-  else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("g28e0")){ +
-   currpos = homing(estepsPin,directionPin,elimitPin); +
-   currpos = 0; +
-   pos = 0; +
-  }  +
-  else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("readinput")){ +
-   Serial.print("Input "); +
-   Serial.println(digitalRead(elimitPin)); +
-  }  +
-  else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("d")){ +
-   if (direction == 0){ +
-    direction = 1; +
-   } +
-   Serial.print("direction is "); +
-   Serial.println(direction);+
   }    } 
   else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("info")){   else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("info")){
-    Serial.println("multistepper");+    Serial.println("Extruder spool speed controller");
   }   }
   else {   else {
Line 195: Line 468:
   }   }
    return currpos;    return currpos;
-void moveacc(long int inc, int spd, int acc){ 
- //speed is in steps per second 
- stepper.setCurrentPosition(0); 
- stepper.setAcceleration(acc); 
- while(stepper.currentPosition() != inc){ 
-    stepper.setSpeed(spd); 
-    stepper.runSpeed(); 
- } 
 } }
 int readpotentionmetersanity(int speedPin){ int readpotentionmetersanity(int speedPin){
 + int val = analogRead(speedPin);
  Serial.print("speed pin: ");  Serial.print("speed pin: ");
- Serial.println(analogRead(speedPin)); + Serial.println(val); 
- int val = analogRead(A2); +  
- int stepdelay = map(val, 0, 1023, 1, 1000);  + //int stepdelay = map(val, 0, 1023, 1, 1000); 
- Serial.print("stepdelay: "); + //Serial.print("stepdelay or speed: "); 
- Serial.println(stepdelay); + //Serial.println(stepdelay);
 } }
-int movespeedadjust(int stepsPin, int direction, int directionPin, int limitPin, int speedPin){ +int runner(int stepsPin, int directionPin, int speedpot, int buttona){ 
-  if (direction == 0){ +  Serial.println("its running ..."); 
-   digitalWrite(directionPin,LOW); // Set Dir high +  int stpper = 1; 
-  } else { +   int speed = analogRead(speedpot); 
-   digitalWrite(directionPin,HIGH); // Set Dir high +   int stepdelay = map(speed, 0, 1023, 1, 1000); 
-  } +   while(stpper > 0){ 
- stepper.setCurrentPosition(1)+   speed = analogRead(speedpot); 
- int val = analogRead(A2); +   stepdelay map(speed, 0, 1023, 1, 2000); 
- int stepdelay = map(val, 0, 1023, 1, 1000);  +   //stepdelay = 100
- while(stepper.currentPosition() > 0){ +   digitalWrite(stepsPin,HIGH); // Output high 
-    int spd = analogRead(A2* stepsperul+   delayMicroseconds(stepdelay); // Wait 1/2 a ms 
-    int acc spd/3+   digitalWrite(stepsPin,LOW); // Output high 
-    stepper.setAcceleration(acc); +   delayMicroseconds(stepdelay); // Wait 1/2 a ms 
-    stepper.setSpeed(spd); +   if (digitalRead(buttonb) ==HIGH){ break; }
-    stepper.runSpeed(); +
-    int checker = digitalRead(limitPin); +
-     if (checker == HIGH){ +
-      break; +
-     +
  }  }
 + return 0;
 } }
-int homing(int stepsPin, int directionPin, int limitPin){ 
-  digitalWrite(directionPin,LOW); // Set Dir high 
-  int checker = 1; 
-  int cnter = 0; 
-  int stpper = 1; 
-   while(stpper > 0){ 
-    checker = digitalRead(limitPin); 
-    if (checker == HIGH){ 
-      cnter = cnter + 1; 
-    } 
-    else { 
-      cnter = 0; 
-    } 
-    if (cnter > 4){ 
-      stpper = 0; 
-    } 
-    digitalWrite(stepsPin,HIGH); // Output high 
-    delayMicroseconds(200); // Wait 1/2 a ms 
-    digitalWrite(stepsPin,LOW); // Output low 
-    delayMicroseconds(200); // Wait 1/2 a ms 
-   } 
-   digitalWrite(directionPin,HIGH); // Set Dir high 
-   for(int x = 0; x < 18; x++){ // Loop 200 times 
-    digitalWrite(stepsPin,HIGH); // Output high 
-    delayMicroseconds(1000); // Wait 1/2 a ms 
-    digitalWrite(stepsPin,LOW); // Output low 
-    delayMicroseconds(1000); // Wait 1/2 a ms 
-   } 
-    int stepcount = 0; 
-    return stepcount; 
 </code> </code>
bdev/filamentextruder_recyclebot.1666816900.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/10/26 20:41 by richard