====== Washing pipettes ====== ===== LabAutoBox Pipette Washing Example ===== Here is an example of how the wash station works. The pipettes tip move into the wash basin and are washed outside by fluid when the washing pump is turned on. The excess fluid is drawn into the waste basin and this goes to waste. While the tips are being washed on the outside there syringe pump is perfusing fluid out of the inside of the pipettes. Here is a video demonstrating how a macro can be put together using the LabAutoBox software {{youtube>SWTL5TUoqOw?&rel=0|Setting up program }} ---- {{youtube>vnFXLXsELfA?&rel=0|Demonstration }} ---- //wash pipettes object 200 microl cycles dry on G1Z0F3000 G1X236Y37F3000 G1Z25F3000 //set all valves to input valve-1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1-input wasteon washon sg1e200s40a20_7 valve-1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1-output sg1e0s40a20_7 washoff wasteoff //set all valves to bypass valve-1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1-bypass touchdry Z9.5F3000ZT0T0.1