When running the camera for 2D matix code reading and (likely dealing with different types of plates in general), depending on the environment and type of plate, you should be prepared to adjust the variable to assure the image is still in focus and there is sufficient lightly. There are at least 3 variables to consider in order to get good quality images for 2D matrix code reading:
So how this works is that you have a “Driver” computer that sends commands to the 2 RaspberryPi computers “Client”, each running the Arducam focusing camera. Initially I tried to just use ssh and have the clients share the Driver public key (the recipe for sharing keys on windows is here: VisionTracker Legacy 2D matrix scanner )but the focusing feature was not working. So now the Clients are both MQTT subscribers and the Driver is the MQTT publisher.
The example optimization python script, called optimizer.py looks like this:
import os,sys,time #The plate identifier plate = sys.argv[1] #Your focus settings ff = ['110','210','310','410','510','610'] #Your brightness settings bb = ['30','40','50'] for f in f: for b in leftb: cmd = "mosquitto_pub -h -t 'dcam1' -m 'snap "+plate+"left_"+f+"_"+b+"'" os.system(cmd) time.sleep(1) cmd = "mosquitto_pub -h -t 'dcam2' -m 'snap "+plate+"right_"+f+"_"+b+"'" os.system(cmd) time.sleep(2) cmd = 'scp pi@'+plate+'left_'+f+'_'+b+'.jpg ./' os.system(cmd) time.sleep(2) cmd = 'scp pi@'+plate+'right_'+f+'_'+b+'.jpg ./' os.system(cmd) time.sleep(2)
The client subscriber script looks like this:
import os import time import sys import threading import pygame,sys import picamera from pygame.locals import * from time import ctime, sleep import re import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt #Establish a connection to MQTT def establishconnection(): ### mqtt ### broker_address="localhost" print("creating new instance") client = mqtt.Client("P2") #create new instance client.on_message=on_message #attach function to callback print("connecting to broker") client.connect(broker_address) #connect to broker print("Subscribing to topic","dcam2") client.subscribe("dcam2") print("ok its subscribed") # Continue the network loop client.loop_forever() return client def runFocus(plate,ff,bright): temp_val = int(ff) value = (temp_val<<4) & 0x3ff0 dat1 = (value>>8)&0x3f dat2 = value & 0xf0 os.system("i2cset -y 0 0x0c %d %d" % (dat1,dat2)) #camera.resolution = (640,480) camera.resolution = (960,720) camera.brightness = int(bright) cmd = '/home/pi/'+re.sub("snap ", "", plate)+'_'+str(temp_val)+'_'+bright+'.jpg' camera.capture(cmd) ## mqtt message handler ## def on_message(client, userdata, message): print("message received") cmd = str(message.payload.decode("utf-8")) if re.match("^snap .*", cmd): aa = re.match("^.* (.*)", cmd) (plate,ff,bright) = re.split("_",cmd) print(ff) runFocus(plate,ff,bright) pygame.init() camera = picamera.PiCamera() client = establishconnection()