Plate deck

This shows how to set up the deck and its features for using it. The bed is designed to be adjustable both in height and for pivoting to compensate for the nonsquareness of the corexy belt set up.

First set up two extrusions that function as supports. To make sure they are level create a jig and its best to use the bottom extrusions on the sides rather then the panel for resting the jigs up for leveling.

  1. HFS5-2020-582-TPW (2 units)
  2. tslotinnerbracket (or Misumi brackets) (4 units)

 Plate deck support

Now put the bottom deck support. There are holes on the design that allow you to screw them into place along the front and back deck extrusion supports. I use approx 5mm laser cut acrylic (4.5mm at Ponoko). The file is called.

Attach the corner alignment guides. On the deck, this could be done before attaching the bottom support deck.

Place the plateholder_wider_ponoko.dxf plate on top of the multichannel_zbed_wider_ponoko plate. The plateholder_wider_ponoko plate is the one that supports the microwell plates, slides, pipette tip boxes, etc.

This plate has holes that allow for positioning the objects in matched XY alignment using alignment tools.

Microwell plate positioning tools can be screwed on top of the alignment guides that hold the pipette tip boxes into place where they will not move during the pipette loading process.

