Duet 3 Toolboard 1LC

OUT_0, OUT_1 and OUT_2 are PWM-capable

My mod Connector (board revision) Label Function
4-pin JST PH IO_0 Input/output with +5V power, for endstops, Z-probes. Input is 30V-tolerant
3-pin JST PH IO_1 Input/output with +5V power, for endstops, Z-probes. Input is 3V-tolerant
. 3-pin JST PH IO_2 Input only with +5V power, for endstops or tool pickup detection switch. Input is 30V-tolerant
1 x 3-pin footprint IO_3 (v1.1 board) Footprint to mount an Omron D2FD-1L30-1T ultra subminiature switch or similar. In v1.2 and v1.3 the footprints for an ITR20001/T or TCRT1000/1010 reflective optical sensor are also added.Example use case is a tool docking confirmation switch.
Extruder motor 4-pin JST PH DRIVER_0 Stepper motor connection
Extruder thermistor 2-pin JST PH TEMP_0 Thermistor or PT1000 input. TEMP_0 uses a 16-bit ADC for high resolution reading of PT1000 sensors
2-pin JST PH TEMP_1 Thermistor or PT1000 input
Extruder heater 1 x Screw terminal OUT_0 High current output intended for extruder heater, maximum current 5A, this is VIN voltage only. There is no flyback diode on this output, so if you connect a high-current inductive load, you must use an external flyback diode.
Extruder fan 4-pin JST PH OUT_1 4-wire fan output (also accepts a 2- or 3-wire fan) intended for use as the print cooling fan. 2A total max current for OUT1 and OUT2 when VIN selected (v1.1 board), 0.8A total max current for OUT1 and OUT2 on 12V. This output is protected by a flyback diode. Note On v1.0 boards and earlier, VOUT on OUT_1 and OUT_2 is set to 12V. On v1.1 boards, voltage is selectable between 12V and VIN, using VOUT for OUT_1, OUT_2 pins. Note When using a 4-wire fan, the tacho reading is valid at all PWM settings.
Extruder blower 3-pin JST PH OUT_2 3-wire fan output (also accepts a 2-wire fan) intended for use as the hot end fan. 2A total max current for OUT1 and OUT2 when VIN selected (v1.1 board), 0.8A total max current for OUT1 and OUT2 on 12V. This output is protected by a flyback diode. Note On v1.0 boards and earlier, VOUT on OUT_1 and OUT_2 is set to 12V. On v1.1 boards, voltage is selectable between 12V and VIN, using VOUT for OUT_1, OUT_2 pins. Note the tacho reading is valid only when running the fan at full speed.