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5 motor
#include <PID_v1.h> #include <AccelStepper.h> #define motorInterfaceType 1 //Define the aggressive and conservative Tuning Parameters double aggKpA=150, aggKiA=0.5, aggKdA=0; int thermoelectricval = 255; int celsius; int levelstreamon; double settemp = 0; double Setpoint, Input, Output, OutputA, OutputB, OutputC; int tme = 250; int directionA = 0; int directionB = 0; int directionC = 0; int directionD = 0; int directionE = 0; int ton = 0; int buttonastate = 0; int buttonbstate = 0; int buttoncstate = 0; int buttondstate = 0; int buttonestate = 0; int afl = 0; int bfl = 0; int cfl = 0; int dfl = 0; int efl = 0; String command; long int currpos; long int pos; //Specify the links and initial tuning parameters PID myPIDA(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint, aggKpA, aggKiA, aggKdA, DIRECT); #define THERMISTOR_PINA A0 #define TEMPCONTROLA 10 int PS[] = {26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 24}; // Define some steppers and the pins the will use const int enablePinA = PS[0]; const int directionPinA = PS[1]; const int stepsPinA = PS[2]; const int enablePinB = PS[3]; const int directionPinB = PS[4]; const int stepsPinB = PS[5]; const int enablePinC = PS[6]; const int directionPinC = PS[7]; const int stepsPinC = PS[8]; const int enablePinD = PS[10]; const int directionPinD = PS[11]; const int stepsPinD = PS[12]; const int enablePinE = PS[14]; const int directionPinE = PS[16]; const int stepsPinE = PS[18]; const int speedpotA = A1; const int gobuttonA = A2; const int stopbuttonA = A3; const int stepspinA = LOW; const int speedpotB = A4; const int gobuttonB = A5; const int stopbuttonB = A6; const int stepspinB = LOW; const int speedpotC = A7; const int gobuttonC = A8; const int stopbuttonC = A9; const int stepspinC = LOW; const int speedpotD = A10; const int gobuttonD = A11; const int stopbuttonD = A12; const int stepspinD = LOW; const int speedpotE = A13; const int gobuttonE = A14; const int stopbuttonE = A15; const int stepspinE = LOW; AccelStepper stepperA = AccelStepper(motorInterfaceType, stepsPinA, directionPinA); AccelStepper stepperB = AccelStepper(motorInterfaceType, stepsPinB, directionPinB); AccelStepper stepperC = AccelStepper(motorInterfaceType, stepsPinC, directionPinC); AccelStepper stepperD = AccelStepper(motorInterfaceType, stepsPinD, directionPinD); AccelStepper stepperE = AccelStepper(motorInterfaceType, stepsPinE, directionPinE); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(stepsPinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(enablePinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(stepsPinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(enablePinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(stepsPinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(enablePinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(stepsPinD, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinD, OUTPUT); pinMode(enablePinD, OUTPUT); pinMode(stepsPinE, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinE, OUTPUT); pinMode(enablePinE, OUTPUT); pinMode(TEMPCONTROLA, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(enablePinA,HIGH); digitalWrite(enablePinB,HIGH); digitalWrite(enablePinC,HIGH); digitalWrite(enablePinD,HIGH); digitalWrite(enablePinE,HIGH); digitalWrite(directionPinA, LOW); digitalWrite(directionPinB, LOW); digitalWrite(directionPinC, LOW); digitalWrite(directionPinD, LOW); digitalWrite(directionPinE, LOW); stepperA.setMaxSpeed(1000*16); stepperB.setMaxSpeed(1000*16); stepperC.setMaxSpeed(1000*16); stepperD.setMaxSpeed(1000*16); stepperE.setMaxSpeed(1000*16); //turn the PID on myPIDA.SetMode(AUTOMATIC); } void loop(){ int speedA = map(analogRead(speedpotA), 0, 1023, 1, 2000); int speedB = map(analogRead(speedpotB), 0, 1023, 1, 2000); int speedC = map(analogRead(speedpotC), 0, 1023, 1, 2000); int speedD = map(analogRead(speedpotD), 0, 1023, 1, 2000); int speedE = map(analogRead(speedpotE), 0, 1023, 1, 2000); Input = read_temp("A"); double gap = abs(Setpoint-Input); //distance away from setpoint myPIDA.SetTunings(aggKpA, aggKiA, aggKdA); myPIDA.Compute(); analogWrite(TEMPCONTROLA,Output); int rawvalue = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PINA); int rawvalueA = rawvalue; float celsiusA = read_temp("A"); if (levelstreamon == 1) { Serial.print("A: "); Serial.print(rawvalueA); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(celsiusA); Serial.print("Settemp: "); Serial.println(settemp); delay(500); } bfl = motorStop(stopbuttonA, enablePinA, directionA, directionPinA, bfl); motorMove(gobuttonA, enablePinA); bfl = motorStop(stopbuttonB, enablePinB, directionB, directionPinB, bfl); motorMove(gobuttonB, enablePinB); bfl = motorStop(stopbuttonC, enablePinC, directionC, directionPinC, bfl); motorMove(gobuttonC, enablePinC); bfl = motorStop(stopbuttonD, enablePinD, directionD, directionPinD, bfl); motorMove(gobuttonD, enablePinD); bfl = motorStop(stopbuttonE, enablePinE, directionE, directionPinE, bfl); motorMove(gobuttonE, enablePinE); if (directionA == 1) {stepperA.setSpeed(speedA);}else{stepperA.setSpeed(-speedA);} if (directionB == 1) {stepperB.setSpeed(speedB);}else{stepperB.setSpeed(-speedB);} if (directionC == 1) {stepperC.setSpeed(speedC);}else{stepperC.setSpeed(-speedC);} //if (stepperC.distanceToGo() == 0) //stepperC.moveTo(-stepperC.currentPosition()); stepperE.runSpeed(); stepperD.runSpeed(); stepperC.runSpeed(); stepperB.runSpeed(); stepperA.runSpeed(); if(Serial.available()){ char c =; if (c== '\n'){ currpos = parseCommand(command, currpos); command = ""; } else{ command +=c; } } } void motorMove(int gobutton, int enablePin){ if (digitalRead(gobutton) == 1){ digitalWrite(enablePin, LOW); } } int motorStop(int stopbutton, int enablePin, int direction, int directionPin, int bfl){ if (digitalRead(stopbutton) ==HIGH){ digitalWrite(enablePin, HIGH); if (bfl == 0){ if (direction==0){direction = 1; digitalWrite(directionPin, HIGH); }else{direction=0; digitalWrite(directionPin, LOW);} bfl = 1; } } else { bfl = 0; } return bfl; } long int parseCommand(String com, long int currpos){ //Serial.print("Your command: "); //Serial.println(com); if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("readpot")){ readpotentionmetersanity(); } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("info")){ Serial.println("Extruder spool speed controller"); } else if (com.substring(0,7) == "settemp") { settemp = com.substring(8).toDouble(); Setpoint = settemp; Serial.print("settemp: "); Serial.println(settemp); } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("levelstreamoff")){ levelstreamon = 0; } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("levelstreamon")){ levelstreamon = 1; } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("readlevel")){ int rawvalue = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PINA); float celsius = read_temp("A"); Serial.print("A: "); Serial.println(celsius); } else { Serial.print("Did not recognize "); Serial.println(com); } return currpos; } int readpotentionmetersanity(){ int val = analogRead(speedpotA); Serial.print("speed pinA: "); Serial.println(val); val = analogRead(speedpotB); Serial.print("speed pinB: "); Serial.println(val); val = analogRead(speedpotC); Serial.print("speed pinC: "); Serial.println(val); } #define NUMTEMPS 20 short temptable[NUMTEMPS][2] = { {1, 841}, {54, 255}, {107, 209}, {160, 184}, {213, 166}, {266, 153}, {319, 142}, {372, 132}, {425, 124}, {478, 116}, {531, 108}, {584, 101}, {637, 93}, {690, 86}, {743, 78}, {796, 70}, {849, 61}, {902, 50}, {955, 34}, {1008, 3} }; float read_temp(String sensor_type) { int THERMISTOR_PIN = 0; if (sensor_type == "A"){ THERMISTOR_PIN = THERMISTOR_PINA; } int rawtemp = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PIN); float current_celsius = 0; byte i; for (i=1; i<NUMTEMPS; i++) { if (temptable[i][0] > rawtemp) { float realtemp = temptable[i-1][1] + (rawtemp - temptable[i-1][0]) * (temptable[i][1] - temptable[i-1][1]) / (temptable[i][0] - temptable[i-1][0]); if (realtemp > 255) realtemp = 255; current_celsius = realtemp; break; } } // Overflow: We just clamp to 0 degrees celsius if (i == NUMTEMPS) current_celsius = 0; return current_celsius; }
#include <PID_v1.h> #include <AccelStepper.h> #define motorInterfaceType 1 //Define the aggressive and conservative Tuning Parameters double aggKpA=150, aggKiA=0.5, aggKdA=0; int thermoelectricval = 255; int celsius; int levelstreamon; double settemp = 0; double Setpoint, Input, Output, OutputA, OutputB, OutputC; int tme = 250; int directionA = 0; int directionB = 0; int directionC = 0; int ton = 0; int buttonastate = 0; int buttonbstate = 0; int buttoncstate = 0; int afl = 0; int bfl = 0; int cfl = 0; String command; long int currpos; long int pos; int goA, goB, goC; //Specify the links and initial tuning parameters PID myPIDA(&Input, &OutputA, &Setpoint, aggKpA, aggKiA, aggKdA, DIRECT); #define THERMISTOR_PINA A11 #define TEMPCONTROLA 10 // Define some steppers and the pins the will use const int stepsPinA = 11; const int directionPinA = 12; const int enablePinA = 2; const int stepsPinB = 3; const int directionPinB = 4; const int enablePinB = 5; const int stepsPinC = 7; const int directionPinC = 8; const int enablePinC = 9; const int gobuttonA = A0; const int stopbuttonA = A1; const int speedpotA = A2; const int stepspinA = LOW; const int gobuttonB = A5; const int stopbuttonB = A6; const int speedpotB = A3; const int stepspinB = LOW; const int gobuttonC = A7; const int stopbuttonC = A8; const int speedpotC = A4; const int stepspinC = LOW; AccelStepper stepperA = AccelStepper(motorInterfaceType, stepsPinA, directionPinA); AccelStepper stepperB = AccelStepper(motorInterfaceType, stepsPinB, directionPinB); AccelStepper stepperC = AccelStepper(motorInterfaceType, stepsPinC, directionPinC); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(stepsPinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(enablePinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(stepsPinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(enablePinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(stepsPinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(enablePinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(TEMPCONTROLA, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(enablePinA,HIGH); digitalWrite(enablePinB,HIGH); digitalWrite(enablePinC,HIGH); digitalWrite(directionPinA, LOW); digitalWrite(directionPinB, LOW); digitalWrite(directionPinC, LOW); stepperA.setMaxSpeed(1000*16); stepperB.setMaxSpeed(1000*16); stepperC.setMaxSpeed(1000*16); //turn the PID on myPIDA.SetMode(AUTOMATIC); } void loop(){ int speedA = map(analogRead(speedpotA), 0, 1023, 1, 2000); int speedB = map(analogRead(speedpotB), 0, 1023, 1, 2000); int speedC = map(analogRead(speedpotC), 0, 1023, 1, 2000); Input = read_temp("A"); double gap = abs(Setpoint-Input); //distance away from setpoint myPIDA.SetTunings(aggKpA, aggKiA, aggKdA); myPIDA.Compute(); Serial.print("outputA "); Serial.println(OutputA); analogWrite(TEMPCONTROLA,OutputA); int rawvalue = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PINA); int rawvalueA = rawvalue; float celsiusA = read_temp("A"); if (levelstreamon == 1) { Serial.print("A: "); Serial.print(rawvalueA); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(celsiusA); Serial.print("Settemp: "); Serial.println(settemp); delay(500); } if (digitalRead(stopbuttonA) ==HIGH){ digitalWrite(enablePinA, HIGH); goA = 0; if (bfl == 0){ if (directionA==0){directionA = 1; digitalWrite(directionPinA, HIGH); }else{directionA=0; digitalWrite(directionPinA, LOW);} Serial.print(directionA); Serial.println(" direction changed"); bfl = 1; } } else { bfl = 0; } if (digitalRead(gobuttonA) == 1){ digitalWrite(enablePinA, LOW); Serial.println("moving A"); goA = 1; } if (digitalRead(stopbuttonB) ==HIGH){ digitalWrite(enablePinB, HIGH); goA = 0; if (bfl == 0){ if (directionB==0){directionB = 1; digitalWrite(directionPinB, HIGH); }else{directionB=0; digitalWrite(directionPinB, LOW);} Serial.print(directionB); Serial.println(" direction changed"); bfl = 1; } } else { bfl = 0; } if (digitalRead(gobuttonB) == 1){ digitalWrite(enablePinB, LOW); Serial.println("moving A"); goA = 1; } if (digitalRead(stopbuttonC) ==HIGH){ goC = 0; digitalWrite(enablePinC, HIGH); if (cfl == 0){ if (directionC==0){directionC = 1; digitalWrite(directionPinC, HIGH); }else{directionC=0; digitalWrite(directionPinC, LOW);} Serial.print(directionC); Serial.println(" direction changed"); cfl = 1; } } else { cfl = 0; } if (digitalRead(gobuttonC) == 1){ digitalWrite(enablePinC, LOW); Serial.println("moving C"); goC = 1; } if (directionA == 1) {stepperA.setSpeed(speedA);}else{stepperA.setSpeed(-speedA);} if (directionB == 1) {stepperB.setSpeed(speedB);}else{stepperB.setSpeed(-speedB);} if (directionC == 1) {stepperC.setSpeed(speedC);}else{stepperC.setSpeed(-speedC);} //if (stepperC.distanceToGo() == 0) //stepperC.moveTo(-stepperC.currentPosition()); stepperC.runSpeed(); stepperB.runSpeed(); stepperA.runSpeed(); if(Serial.available()){ char c =; if (c== '\n'){ currpos = parseCommand(command, currpos); command = ""; } else{ command +=c; } } } long int parseCommand(String com, long int currpos){ //Serial.print("Your command: "); //Serial.println(com); if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("readpot")){ readpotentionmetersanity(); } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("info")){ Serial.println("Extruder spool speed controller"); } else if (com.substring(0,7) == "settemp") { settemp = com.substring(8).toDouble(); Setpoint = settemp; Serial.print("settemp: "); Serial.println(settemp); } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("levelstreamoff")){ levelstreamon = 0; } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("levelstreamon")){ levelstreamon = 1; } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("readlevel")){ int rawvalue = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PINA); float celsius = read_temp("A"); Serial.print("A: "); Serial.println(celsius); } else { Serial.print("Did not recognize "); Serial.println(com); } return currpos; } int readpotentionmetersanity(){ int val = analogRead(speedpotA); Serial.print("speed pinA: "); Serial.println(val); val = analogRead(speedpotB); Serial.print("speed pinB: "); Serial.println(val); val = analogRead(speedpotC); Serial.print("speed pinC: "); Serial.println(val); } #define NUMTEMPS 20 short temptable[NUMTEMPS][2] = { {1, 841}, {54, 255}, {107, 209}, {160, 184}, {213, 166}, {266, 153}, {319, 142}, {372, 132}, {425, 124}, {478, 116}, {531, 108}, {584, 101}, {637, 93}, {690, 86}, {743, 78}, {796, 70}, {849, 61}, {902, 50}, {955, 34}, {1008, 3} }; float read_temp(String sensor_type) { int THERMISTOR_PIN = 0; if (sensor_type == "A"){ THERMISTOR_PIN = THERMISTOR_PINA; } int rawtemp = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PIN); float current_celsius = 0; byte i; for (i=1; i<NUMTEMPS; i++) { if (temptable[i][0] > rawtemp) { float realtemp = temptable[i-1][1] + (rawtemp - temptable[i-1][0]) * (temptable[i][1] - temptable[i-1][1]) / (temptable[i][0] - temptable[i-1][0]); if (realtemp > 255) realtemp = 255; current_celsius = realtemp; break; } } // Overflow: We just clamp to 0 degrees celsius if (i == NUMTEMPS) current_celsius = 0; return current_celsius; }