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spool holder I need to design
PCB for potentiometer controller of stepper motor
Sketch for controlling temperature
#include <Servo.h> #include <PID_v1.h> //#include <FastPID.h> Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo #include <Wire.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #define THERMISTOR_PINA A1 #define THERMISTOR_PINB A2 #define THERMISTOR_PINC A3 #define TEMPCONTROLA 3 #define TEMPCONTROLB 5 #define TEMPCONTROLC 6 //Define the aggressive and conservative Tuning Parameters double aggKpA=150, aggKiA=0.5, aggKdA=0; double aggKpB=150, aggKiB=0.5, aggKdB=0; double aggKpC=150, aggKiC=0.5, aggKdC=0; int thermoelectricval = 255; String command; float currpos; int celsius; int levelstreamon; double settemp = 0; double Setpoint, Input, Output, OutputA, OutputB, OutputC; int tme = 250; //Specify the links and initial tuning parameters //PID myPID(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint, consKp, consKi, consKd, DIRECT); PID myPIDA(&Input, &OutputA, &Setpoint, aggKpA, aggKiA, aggKdA, DIRECT); PID myPIDB(&Input, &OutputB, &Setpoint, aggKpB, aggKiB, aggKdB, DIRECT); PID myPIDC(&Input, &OutputC, &Setpoint, aggKpC, aggKiC, aggKdC, DIRECT); #define NUMTEMPS 20 short temptable[NUMTEMPS][2] = { {1, 841}, {54, 255}, {107, 209}, {160, 184}, {213, 166}, {266, 153}, {319, 142}, {372, 132}, {425, 124}, {478, 116}, {531, 108}, {584, 101}, {637, 93}, {690, 86}, {743, 78}, {796, 70}, {849, 61}, {902, 50}, {955, 34}, {1008, 3} }; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(TEMPCONTROLA, OUTPUT); pinMode(TEMPCONTROLB, OUTPUT); pinMode(TEMPCONTROLC, OUTPUT); analogWrite(TEMPCONTROLA, 255); analogWrite(TEMPCONTROLB, 255); analogWrite(TEMPCONTROLC, 255); Setpoint = settemp; //turn the PID on myPIDA.SetMode(AUTOMATIC); myPIDB.SetMode(AUTOMATIC); myPIDC.SetMode(AUTOMATIC); } void loop() { Input = read_temp("A"); double gap = abs(Setpoint-Input); //distance away from setpoint myPIDA.SetTunings(aggKpA, aggKiA, aggKdA); myPIDA.Compute(); analogWrite(TEMPCONTROLA,OutputA); Input = read_temp("B"); gap = abs(Setpoint-Input); //distance away from setpoint myPIDB.SetTunings(aggKpB, aggKiB, aggKdB); myPIDB.Compute(); analogWrite(TEMPCONTROLB,OutputB); Input = read_temp("C"); gap = abs(Setpoint-Input); //distance away from setpoint myPIDC.SetTunings(aggKpC, aggKiC, aggKdC); myPIDC.Compute(); analogWrite(TEMPCONTROLC,OutputC); int rawvalue = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PINA); int rawvalueA = rawvalue; float celsiusA = read_temp("A"); rawvalue = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PINB); float celsiusB = read_temp("B"); rawvalue = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PINC); float celsiusC = read_temp("C"); //int fahrenheit = (((celsius * 9) / 5) + 32); if (levelstreamon == 1) { Serial.print("A: "); Serial.print(rawvalueA); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(celsiusA); Serial.print("B: "); Serial.println(celsiusB); Serial.print("C: "); Serial.println(celsiusC); Serial.print("OutputA: "); Serial.println(OutputA); Serial.print("Settemp: "); Serial.println(settemp); delay(500); } if(Serial.available()) { char c =; if (c== '\n') { parseCommand(command); command = ""; } else { command +=c; } } delay(1); } float parseCommand(String com) { if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("info")){ Serial.println("tempcontrol"); } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("levelstreamon")){ levelstreamon = 1; } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("defaultpid")){ double aggKpA=19.56, aggKiA=0.71, aggKdA=134.26; double aggKpB=19.56, aggKiB=0.71, aggKdB=134.26; double aggKpC=19.56, aggKiC=0.71, aggKdC=134.26; } else if (com.substring(0,7) == "settemp") { settemp = com.substring(8).toDouble(); Setpoint = settemp; Serial.print("settemp: "); Serial.println(settemp); } else if (com.substring(0,4) == "setpA") { aggKpA = com.substring(5).toDouble(); } else if (com.substring(0,4) == "setiA") { aggKiA = com.substring(5).toDouble(); } else if (com.substring(0,4) == "setdA") { aggKdA = com.substring(5).toDouble(); } else if (com.substring(0,4) == "setpB") { aggKpB = com.substring(5).toDouble(); } else if (com.substring(0,4) == "setiB") { aggKiB = com.substring(5).toDouble(); } else if (com.substring(0,4) == "setdB") { aggKdB = com.substring(5).toDouble(); } else if (com.substring(0,4) == "setpC") { aggKpC = com.substring(5).toDouble(); } else if (com.substring(0,4) == "setiB") { aggKiC = com.substring(5).toDouble(); } else if (com.substring(0,4) == "setdC") { aggKdC = com.substring(5).toDouble(); } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("levelstreamoff")){ levelstreamon = 0; } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("readlevelA")){ int rawvalue = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PINA); float celsius = read_temp("A"); Serial.println(celsius); } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("readlevelB")){ int rawvalue = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PINB); float celsius = read_temp("B"); Serial.println(celsius); } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("readlevelC")){ int rawvalue = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PINC); float celsius = read_temp("C"); Serial.println(celsius); } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("turnonA")){ analogWrite(TEMPCONTROLA, 255); Serial.println("pin A is on"); } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("turnoffA")){ analogWrite(TEMPCONTROLA, 0); Serial.println("pin A is off"); } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("turnonB")){ analogWrite(TEMPCONTROLB, 255); Serial.println("pin B is on"); } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("turnoffB")){ analogWrite(TEMPCONTROLB, 0); Serial.println("pin B is off"); } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("turnonC")){ analogWrite(TEMPCONTROLC, 255); Serial.println("pin C is on"); } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("turnoffC")){ analogWrite(TEMPCONTROLC, 0); Serial.println("pin C is off"); } else if(com.equalsIgnoreCase("readlevel")){ int rawvalue = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PINA); float celsius = read_temp("A"); Serial.print("A: "); Serial.println(celsius); rawvalue = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PINB); celsius = read_temp("B"); Serial.print("B: "); Serial.println(celsius); rawvalue = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PINC); celsius = read_temp("C"); Serial.print("C: "); Serial.println(celsius); } } float read_temp(String sensor_type) { int THERMISTOR_PIN = 0; if (sensor_type == "A"){ THERMISTOR_PIN = THERMISTOR_PINA; } if (sensor_type == "B"){ THERMISTOR_PIN = THERMISTOR_PINB; } if (sensor_type == "C"){ THERMISTOR_PIN = THERMISTOR_PINC; } int rawtemp = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PIN); float current_celsius = 0; byte i; for (i=1; i<NUMTEMPS; i++) { if (temptable[i][0] > rawtemp) { float realtemp = temptable[i-1][1] + (rawtemp - temptable[i-1][0]) * (temptable[i][1] - temptable[i-1][1]) / (temptable[i][0] - temptable[i-1][0]); if (realtemp > 255) realtemp = 255; current_celsius = realtemp; break; } } // Overflow: We just clamp to 0 degrees celsius if (i == NUMTEMPS) current_celsius = 0; return current_celsius; }